Module Regenerate

Regenerate is a library to generate test cases for regular expression engines.

Here is a typical use of the library, for creating a test harness with QCheck.

let test =
  (* The alphabet is [abc] *)
  let alphabet = ['a'; 'b'; 'c'] in

  (* Words are made of regular strings. *)
  let module Word = Regenerate.Word.String in

  (* Streams are made of ThunkLists. *)
  let module Stream = Regenerate.Segments.ThunkList(Word) in

  let generator =
      (module Word)
      (module Stream)
      ~compl:false (* Do not generate complement operators. *)
      ~pp:Fmt.char (* Printer for characters. *)
      ~samples:100 (* We want on average 100 samples for each regex. *)

  QCheck.Test.make generator check (* Test the [check] function. *)
type 'a regex = 'a Regex.t

The type of regular expressions on characters of type 'a.

val arbitrary : (module Word.S with type char = 'char and type t = 'word) ‑> (module Segments.S with type elt = 'word) ‑> ?⁠skip:int ‑> compl:bool ‑> pp:'char Fmt.t ‑> samples:int ‑> 'char list ‑> ('char Regex.t * 'word list * 'word list) QCheck.arbitrary

Regenerate.arbitrary (module W) (module S) ~compl ~pp ~samples alpha creates a QCheck generator that generates triples containing a regex and a list of positive and negative samples.

val parse : string ‑> (char regex, [> `Not_supported | `Parse_error ]) Pervasives.result

Regenerate.parse s returns the associated regex. It recognizes the Posix Extended Regular Expression syntax plus complement (~a) and intersection (a&b). Character classes are not supported.

module Regex : sig ... end

Definition of Regular expressions and associated utilities.

module Word : sig ... end

Generic definitions of words on which regular expression can match.

module Segments = Segments

Streaming data-structures that will contain the generate samples.

Functorial API

This API allows full access to generators and regular operators. For casual use of the library, consider using arbitrary instead.

module type SIGMA : sig ... end
module Make : functor (Word : Word.S) -> functor (Segment : Segments.S with type elt = Word.t) -> functor (Sigma : SIGMA with type t = Segment.t) -> sig ... end

Regenerate.Make(W)(S)(A) is a module that implements sample generation for words implemented by the module W with the alphabet A. S describes the data structure used internally for the enumeration of words.